Department of Agricultural Science

Agriculture was the first occupation of man, and as it embraces the whole earth, it is the foundation of all other industries. E. W. STEWART

Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science is a subject that teaches lifelong skills in dealing with food and production and processing. They include the technologies of soil cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal production, and the processing of plant and animal products for human consumption. It is taught from Years 9-13.
Projects are carried out at levels and Years 12 and 13’s projects carry 40% Assessment which is moderated at the District level to in cooperating marks in external examinations.
The department has inspired the students by allowing them to do flower gardening and vegetable gardening at all levels and practice skills learnt in school to be shared at home with families.

The strands taught in agricultural Science from Years 9-13 are as follows:

Strand 1-Agricultural Concepts

Strand 2-Farm Management

Strand 3-Agronomy –Soils and Horticulture

Strand 4-Livestock Production

Our Teachers

Mrs Nazmin B. Shah
TIC - Agricultural Science
Mr Krishneel Singh

Career Prospects

Teacher, Farm Advisor, Commercial Farmer, Marketing Officer, Bio security Officer, Veterinarian, Soil Scientist ,Mechanical Engineer, Loans Officer ,Land Surveyor ,Landscaper